by Profitsolv (Previous known as Orion)
Acquired by ProfitSolv on Jul 31, 2023
Established in Atlanta in 1985, Orion Law Management Systems has made its mission to deliver a concrete software solution to the legal industry. Starting with Financial Management as its foundation, the company expanded its offering to a complete suite of legal software products by developing complimentary Practice and Firm Management platforms. Today, Orion continues to be one of the leading software solution providers trusted by law firms across the United States.
Orion Law Management Systems provide:
Financial Management: Beyond Accounting, Orion provides complete Front Office Control. Today’s law firm has requirements far beyond just balancing the books. All of our management products are fully integrated to provide a complete Front Office and Back Office solution.
Time Management: Studies show that the average firm is losing approximately 1.2 billable hours per day per attorney – due to a failure to record time properly. Orion Law solutions considers the various methods attorneys use to track their time. With Orion, your time-tracking game will go to the top of the class.
Case Management: Staying on top of case deadlines, work product and documents is critical. Orion aggregates critical data to a single screen, creating a Case Management Dashboard that allows you to run your practice more efficiently.
Contact Management: Orion allows you to easily manage contacts by assigning contact types and creating relationships with other contacts, cases, and events. Multiple contact addresses are managed using primary and associated addresses, allowing you to cascade address changes to primary and associated related contacts.
Document Management: Orion Document Management is a disciplined, intuitive, and easy to use system designed to increase the efficiency and productivity of your firm.
Orion Cloud: Orion’s Financial Management System is also available in the Cloud. The Cloud offering provides our full-featured software without the need for specialized hardware or installation. The Orion Cloud offers your firm the flexibility of a secure mobile office wherever internet access is available.