Luminance Diligence by Luminance

Luminance Diligence

by Luminance


Built on a proprietary legal Large Language Model (LLM), Luminance’s specialised legal co-pilot brings AI to every touchpoint a lawyer has with their contracts.

Luminance’s core intelligence is the Legal Inference Transformation Engine (LITE), which uniquely combines pattern-recognition technology with supervised and unsupervised machine learning. Exposed to over 150 million verified legal documents so far, Luminance’s specialised AI combines several disciplines within the field of machine learning including inference, deep learning, natural language processing and pattern recognition to provide businesses with the most robust platform for legal document analysis.

Features of Luminance Diligence include: 

AI-Powered Overview of Data Room
Luminance works out-of-the-box to automatically extract key information from all contracts, providing instant insight across over 1,000 legal concepts, such as contract term, clauses present, and governing law. AI-powered search, including conceptual search, and interactive widgets help lawyers prioritise their review and hone in on what’s most important. Luminance’s also automatically identifies anomalies present in a data room and categorizes them by severity, type and number, allowing lawyers to surface critical findings early on and effectively prioritise their review.

Automatic Document and Clause Compliance
Luminance allows lawyers to choose the parameters of their review, selecting their desired standard (or ‘model’ versions) of clauses or documents to compare other contracts against with red-lining and green-lining showing compliance and any deviations from the ‘model’ version.

Supervised Machine Learning to Create Bespoke Concepts
Users are able to teach Luminance new concepts via a simple point-and-click process as part of the normal review workflow. The technology allows for bespoke tags for projects, clients or business areas. This machine learning means Luminance can stay current as new regulations come into effect, eliminating the need for downtime.

The Power of AI, Within Microsoft Word
Luminance brings the power of AI to Microsoft Word. With one click from within Luminance, lawyers can see the relevant document in Word, with Luminance’s AI analysis of the document available at all times in the sidebar. 

Collaborative Workflow Tools
Luminance’s powerful workflow tools ensure no duplication of work effort. These include automatic task distribution, notes and batch document allocation. Project managers can also oversee review progress and view real-time information, including tasks assigned, task size and progress.

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North America
Contract Review Key Features
API Capabilities
Pre-Trained Library
Self-Training Option
Multilingual Capability
Data Export
Review Panel
Red Flag
Role/Task Allocation
Areas of Use
Corporate Legal
Law Firms - 100-499 Lawyers
Law Firms - 500+ lawyers
  • Transactional
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