Hyperlinking Services
by Strut Legal
Areas of Expertise:
Many appellate courts continue to recognize the benefits of hyperlinking. Strut Legal has experience preparing hyperlinked briefs for many State and Federal appellate courts. We can quickly hyperlink all record and transcript cites and also create links to the pin cited pages for legal authority references.
This is one of our specialties. Over the years, Strut Legal has supported dozens of firms on large antitrust filings ranging from lengthy Motions to Dismiss with voluminous legal authority cites to complex Summary Judgment and Daubert briefing. Our efficient workflow systems and processes enable us to complete even the largest filings quicker than any other provider.
A substantial portion of our projects are prepared for arbitration panels/tribunals. Whether you simply require a hyperlinked index or fully linked submissions for the entire matter from the Statement of Claim/Defense (including fully-linked witness statements and expert reports) through Post-Hearing briefs, we are here to support you.
Strut Legal is the go-to eBrief provider for many intellectual property matters. Our work is detailed and accurate, including precise links to relevant transcript cites and patent and claim language. Whether it be claim construction briefs or heavily cited post-trial briefing, Strut Legal can complete your project quickly and on budget.
Since launching Strut Legal 10 years ago (with more than 20 years of prior combined experience), there isn’t much we haven’t seen. In addition to our primary areas of service, we have prepared hyperlinked briefs for everything from Motions for Sanctions to critical filings on pro bono matters to detailed cost submissions, and everything in between.
Strut Legal has prepared eBriefs for firms across the globe, and our team is knowledgeable regarding many Court and Tribunal preferences. Whether you are submitting a post-trial filing on a patent matter in Delaware or New Jersey, working to comply with a California judge’s new eBrief rules, or trying to navigate the ever-changing hyperlinking requirements for Courts or Tribunals in other locations, Strut Legal is here to help guide you.
- AKAaron Krigelski - Co-Owner
- SGSamantha Gill - Co-Owner